The arts sector is changing. Artists are faced with a multitude of questions. The focus on the artwork is fading. The context forces itself upon us. Traditional exhibition spaces are disappearing. New types of galleries are emerging.
How do we participate in the changing arts sector? How can we support artists in their search for answers? How can we sharpen the focus on the actual artwork while simultaneously supporting the context? Where do we meet the viewer?
It is high time to start looking for new models and to give them shape. Models based on collaboration instead of hyper-individualistic division. Of searching for roads and building them, not as solitary travellers, but together.
This is Compagnon d’Art. A travelling companion in the changing arts sector. A companion who shares and helps realise someone’s drive, sense of adventure and goals, whether that person is an artist, organisation or individual.

© Griet Dobbels - Detail Light box 02
wood, glass, foam cardboard, drawing on tracing paper, head pins, led lights
92 x 150 x 100 cm, 2017